Table Saw

Why Does My Table Saw Blade Wobble? And (How To Fix)

Why Does My Table Saw Blade Wobble?
Written by Muhammad Haseeb

Table saws are one of the most useful tools in woodworking, but if the blade starts to wobble, it could be dangerous. When a blade wobbles, the item can bounce back and hit the operator. Kickbacks can kill, so a table saw blade must always be straight and in good shape.

Wobbly blades can also cause bad cuts, more stress on the motor, and damage to the saw itself. Even a little bit of wear on the blade is enough to make it wobble. So, the blade should be checked often and changed when needed.

Blades for table saws need to be taken care of properly to avoid these possibly dangerous problems. Learn more about why does my table saw blade wobble and how to fix it by reading on.

Why Does My Table Saw Blade Shake? Frequent Reasons

Wobbly table saw blades are a regular problem, but they can be a serious safety risk. There are several things that can cause a table saw blade to wobble. Most of the time, it’s because:

Inappropriate Implementation:

Table saw blades that wobble often do so because they were not put together correctly. If the blade isn’t level with the table, it will start to move and make a cut that isn’t even.

If the blade is not put on the arbor properly, it is also possible for the arbor to bend or get out of line. This will also cause the blade to shake.

Unbalanced wheels:

Unbalanced wheels can cause blades to wobble on a table saw. When the wheel spins erratically, it sends waves to the blade, making it wobble.

When the blade vibrates, it can lose touch with the wood and make a mistake in the cut. In the same way, the blade’s shaking causes kickback, which can hurt you very badly.

Stained or Broken Teeth: 

Table saw blades are made to cut through many different kinds of materials, from wood to metal. Worn or broken teeth can make the blade shake, making it hard to make clean cuts. When a dog’s teeth are broken, it can get stuck, which makes it more likely to kick back and hurt someone.

Loose Blades:

Loose blades can cause a table saw to shake. If the blades aren’t held in place correctly, they can move around and make the blade wobble. Also, if the blades are loose, the saw can kick back, which can be dangerous.

Not Properly Aligned: 

If the blade isn’t lined up right, the table saw can get stuck, making it hard or impossible to push the wood through. Backlash can also happen if the table saw blade isn’t lined up right. It can make cuts that aren’t even, which makes it harder to get a precise and professional finish.

Bent Arbor:

The blade is attached to the arbor, which is the shaft. If the arbor is broken, the blade will shake. This can happen if the arbor isn’t supported well enough or if it’s broken. When the blade runs out of truth because of a bent arbor, it won’t cut straight.

Bearings that are Worn Out: 

The bearings hold up the arbor, which is where the blade is attached. Over time, these bearings can wear out and cause the arbor to become loose. In this case, the blade can move around, making it hard to cut precisely.

Broken Saw Motor: 

A table saw blade can wobble if the saw motor is broken. This is because the motor is what gives the blade the power it needs to move. If the motor is broken, it won’t be able to make enough power to move the blade, so it will shake.

Also, saw motors that aren’t working right can make the table saw blade stick, making it hard to move. Before using a table saw, it is important to make sure that the saw motor is in good shape.

How to Fix a Table Saw Blade That Is Wobbly?

Why Does My Table Saw Blade Wobble?
Why Does My Table Saw Blade Wobble?

A table saw blade that moves around is both annoying and dangerous. If the blade on your table saw is shaky, it’s probably because the arbor isn’t perfectly parallel to the table, or it could be one of the other problems mentioned above. A blade that wobbles can be fixed in a few easy steps:

Step 1: Take the Blade Off the Saw

 If your blade is shaking, the first thing you should do is take it off the saw. This will let you check the blade for damage and decide if you need to clean it or buy a new one. Also, you can check to see if the arbor has been damaged.

Step 2: Check for Damage to the Arbor and the Blade

The arbor can get bent or broken over time. This can throw off the balance of the blade and make it shake. A dial gauge can measure how much a saw blade or arbor is bent, so it can be used to look for damage.

Damage might not be obvious at first, so it’s important to check the dial gauge before moving carefully. Use a wood block to hold up the arbor so the number indicator has a place to rest.

Place the tip of the dial indicator on the arbor where the blade fits (between the two bearings) and set the indicator to zero. Now, turn the arbor slowly.

 If the needle moves, the arbor is bent and needs to be filled. Make sure the blade is changed if it has been badly damaged before moving on.

Step 3: Sharpen the Blade (if needed)

 If your blade is dull, you must sharpen it before moving on. A hand-held file is the best way to sharpen a table saw blade. Put the blade in a vise so that the teeth are faced up. Now you can start sharpening each tooth individually.

Use a file with medium grit to get rid of any nicks or chips in the blade. File each tooth until it is smooth as you move around the blade. Once the table saw Blade teeth are smooth, sharpen the blade with a file with a finer grit.

Work slowly and evenly, and don’t take too much material off. If it still wobbles, you might have to replace the whole blade.

Step 4: Adjust the Arbor and Bearings

 Remove the throat plate to get to the arbor. Taking off the throat plate should let you see the arbor nut. Loosen the arbor nut with a wrench, and then turn the arbor. If the blade is still not in the right place, you can change the bearings.

To do this, you need to take off the arbor nut. After you take off the washer, you can get to the bearings. Make changes to the joints until the blade is in the right place. Put the throat plate back on the saw and try it out.

Step 5: Put the Blade back in place

Put the blade back on its base then screw on the washer and nut for the blade and tighten them by hand. Use a tool to tighten the blade nut until the blade can’t move from side to side. Don’t tighten it too much, though, or you could damage the trunnion.

Now, make sure the riving knife is in the right place on the blade. The teeth should be in the middle of the blade as far as they go. If it isn’t, you can move it by loosening the two screws that hold it in place.

Step 6: Change the Tension on the Blade

If the tension on your blade is too free, it may wobble or vibrate when you cut, which can make the material you’re cutting stick or kick back. If the tension is too tight, the blade might not be able to turn easily, which can cause it to overheat and damage the motor.

Loosen the locking knob on your table saw blade to change how tight it is. Then, turn the tensioning screw clockwise or counterclockwise with a tension wrench until the blade is at the right tension. Once the tightness on the blade is right, tighten the clamping knob again.

How is the Tension on my Table Saw Blade right?

How Many Teeth Should a Saw Have Cut Wood

Saw blades often break because the force on the blade is wrong. When the blade is too flexible, it can cause accidents like bouncing and other things that can be risky. 

If the blade is too tight, it could also break, which could hurt the subject. So, how do you make sure the blade on your table saw is tight?

Many saws have a tension measure built in that will let you know if the blade is properly tightened. 

If your saw doesn’t have a gauge, you can also try this easy test. When the saw is off and the blade is still, slowly push down on one end of the blade.

The blade should be able to move about 1/8 of an inch without much trouble. When the strain doesn’t move at all or moves too much, it needs to be changed.

Once you’ve made sure the tightness is right, you should check it often to make sure it doesn’t loosen over time.

Bottom Line: Why Does My Table Saw Blade Wobble

Another important step is to keep your blade sharp. A dull blade won’t cut as well as a sharp one, and it can also cause the motor to wear out faster. Also, use a fence when making cuts to keep the wood in place and keep it from moving around as you make cuts.

This piece should have helped you understand why table saw blades wobble and how to use your table saw to make the most accurate cuts. With a little care and attention, you can always make cuts that are just right.

FAQs about Why Does My Table Saw Blade Wobble

Do I Need to Align the Blade on My Table Saw?

If the blade isn’t lined up right, the saw could jam or kick back, which could be risky. Because of this, it’s important to check the position of your table saw blade often. There are a few ways, but the most usual way is to use a square or a T-bar clamp.

Just put the square or clamp on the side of the blade and turn it until it’s flush with the tool. After that, just tighten the blade and you’re ready to go.

Can you Fix a Table that’s Shaky?

If your table legs are put in, make sure you have the right kind of screwdriver and tighten the screws as much as you can. This will put the legs back on their feet. But if your table’s legs are attached with bolts, you’ll need a wrench. Tighten them as much as you can to keep the legs still.

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About the author

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb is the CEO and Founder of Techy Saw, a website that provides reviews, tutorials, and information about cutting saws. He studied at Concordia College and Virtual University of Pakistan. Haseeb has over 5 years of experience in the woodcutting industry.

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